Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Good for the soul

I have been a bit indulgent recently...away with Mr J last weekend and then away again this weekend to the other side of the country.  

Lucky me!

My sister and her little family have moved to the lovely seaside town of Broadstairs on the Kent coast.  It is so picturesque and pretty.

It happened to be the start of Dickens Week last weekend.  Members of the local historical society and shop keepers dress up in Dickensian clothing and parade down the high road. Bit random...but rather too twee for me.  

 My sister is my best friend and I have missed her, so it was lovely spending the weekend with her and her family.  

We did all the usual sisterly things, caught up on all the goings on (gossip), approved each others latest clothing purchases, laughed hysterically, and of course, had fun rummaging for finds in charity shops and early morning car boots!

We also did a long walk from Broadstairs town to Ramsgate harbour....very pretty walk.  

Ramsgate has lots of free art exhibitions and family fun days being promoted for the summer.  

This was my favourite.  


I was particularly drawn to the dry dock...all that wood, it looked abandoned....I want it.  It would look stunning in my garden with wild flowers growing in and around...I might actually enquire next time I go.

Poppies are everywhere (outside of London)!

It was bliss.... spending time with my little sis.

These are cute!

I might actually make something for my next post - stranger things have happened.


1 comment:

  1. how lovely. I remember spending many early childhood holidays on the beach there with my cousins, and I also remember the walk to Ramsgate which we used to do to go to the fair? You are so lucky to have a sister there! I will go there again one day, Heather x


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