Tuesday, 10 June 2014

A bit of a quick get away

Two posts in one day?  Im not drunk, kids are not abandoned, I just wanted to get this post posted while the memories are still fresh in my mind.  Here goes......

Mr J and I were invited to Devon for a friends birthday, by his wife -  we were his surprise - poor sod!  I have visited Devon and Cornwall many a time....I love it.  It is a truly beautiful part of the world.  Mr J however, has not.  Mr J has NEVER, I repeat NEVER holiday'd in England EVER.  Mr J has no idea how wonderful England is - despite me going on, and on, and on at him about taking a 'stay-cation'.  

I digress.....

On Friday lunchtime Mr J and I packed up the car and left for Tavistock in Devon.  We came to a standstill on one particular A road and I just knew we were on the Stonehenge Road... we would be a while!  

Poppies and giant daisies!

Mr J bored with the slow road.

A bit blurry as we were driving

We drove past at 2 miles an hour, snapping away on our cameras - proper tourists!

Our friend was very surprised when we turned up on their doorstep that evening and his wife was delighted that she had managed to keep it a secret from him for over a month!  

We have the most gorgeous meal at The Cornish Arms that night.  

Reading material whilst you wait at the bar...something for everyone. 

On Saturday we took a fairly long drive to Mount Edgecumbe...and spent the day soaking in the stunning scenery.  

 Crafthole - fabulous name!

Excuse the hair - needs cutting.  No not mine - but it didn't stop me pretending for a minute and trying to convince my sister that I had just bought it.  She didn't believe me - wanna know why?  There wasn't a For Sale/Sold sign on the Camper - doh!!

Mr J was gobsmacked - he couldn't believe how beautiful Cornwall was..... might even be persuaded to holiday in Cornwall.  Woo!  

Abandoned wellies for a dip in the sea.

 I accidentally put my camera into black and white mode - annoying as this was the prettiest toilet I have ever had the pleasure of visiting!

 Camera still in black and white mode - but I do like how this photo turned out. This is the Ferry that takes cars and folk across to Plymouth.  Im sorry but I can't remember the name of the estuary. 

Camera back to normal - seagull still posing. 

We spent another evening out in Tavistock before driving home, weary but renewed.  Mr J and I rarely get to go away together, it was just so lovely to concentrate on each other for the weekend.  

No interruptions from the children, no meals to prepare, nowhere to be, just Mr J and I enjoying each others company...because we really do get along so well.  

The only downer - Middle B stayed with my mum all weekend and had a vomiting bug for the ENTIRE weekend.......... back to reality as soon as we got home!  Bless him, I felt terrible being so far away.  I got a lot of hugs when I got home from a 10 year old who only now lets me give him a quick peck and a hug at bed time.  Every cloud aye?!

Oh and Big G stayed home all by herself and enjoyed playing house - she is too sensible for her own good!

Claire x

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