Friday, 19 September 2014

From A to B

Good morning my lovely blog readers.  

I fear I have have left it too long....I haven't blogged since July.  That wasn't my intention.  My apologies.  

Moving in pressie from dad - keen gardener.

The reason for my absence...we moved house.  I previously typed my blogs from my little house in the heart of South London, but now I do so from the Isle of Thanet!  Its not really an Isle. We are the sticky out bit in Kent.  What a pretty sticky out bit it is....

Children have had to change schools, some more willingly than others!

And as Mr J works....ALOT, all the time, too hard, I have had to do most of the move myself.  Packing up our house, which had 16.5 years worth of stuff in it, and then unpack it all...well I say all; my dads spare bedroom is still full of boxes, as is

Our teeny, tiny living room looked like this for over two weeks!

under my bed, my sisters shed.... our shed....  I did try and have a clear out, but it has become absolutely apparent in this move that I cannot throw anything out!  And neither can Mr J.  This does not make a good combination!

This is the showy off part of the blog....(ooohhhhh)

We thought we had found a bell... it wasn't.  It was part of a car.  So a morbid find rather than, as Middle B thought, a bell that was BOUND to be next to a treasure box full of rubes and diamonds!

Our new home is a 10/15 minute walk to two beautiful beaches, I have a field at the end of my road, my local 'corner shop' is the village  store and post office.  There are donkeys, alpacas and goats to feed in a nearby field too.

This is the sad part of the blog.....(aww)

Big G is not happy...16 is not an ideal age to move, but hey, she will learn to love the area...soon.  

Mr J is staying in London to earn the pennies.  He will come home every other weekend; and when he finishes work early enough, he will come home for the evening.  A huge sacrifice made, especially by Mr J.  I miss him immensely, but we talk all day on the phone, thankfully he has a job where he can natter away to me!

Another house warming pressie - from my lovely mum.

So.... what have I been up to, apart from unpacking? Well i have been giving a few bits of furniture a face lift, will show you all on my next post.

My crochet, and sewing has taken a back seat.  I don't seem to have the time at the moment, as I now have to drive Middle B to school...It seems to take a lot out of my day.  

Pretty flowers on my new kitchen table.  

I have been reading all my favourite blogs and commenting on a few, so glad to hear that you have all enjoyed the glorious summer too.  Maybe we'll all get a bit more creative time now that winter is creeping up on us.  I do love to hibernate in the winter.  Any excuse to curl up on the sofa!

I had to have this little simple and sweet. 

Speak to you all soon

Claire x


  1. Replies
    1. Aw thanks Fiona! Had to force myself to write this post, so out of the habit, and so much else to do. I will blog again in a few days...promise!x

  2. Good luck with your move Claire. It sounds lovely, quite a change of scenery. The beach nearby will be lovely. I love the donkeys! good luck with all the adjustments. Hope you can find your sewing machine under all that! It takes time. You'll probably find yourself having a massive de-clutter, now that you have moved everything! X

    1. Thank you Heather, you are quite right, I've started being a bit more ruthless with all the stuff we own...but we'll never be minimalists! x


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