My children are city kids. They are fazed by insects on fruit, rotting fruit on the ground being eaten by all manner of creatures. Oh deary me! What has become of my children? What have I done to them?!
We went fruit picking earlier this week at a Pick Your Own farm (a first for Big G, middle B and myself).
At first I was mortified - both of them were squealing - ohh there is a hole in that cherry, why won't the flies go away, none of these cherries look very nice, I'm not eating any cherries that have touched a rotting went on...
... and so did I. Ooooh look at this branch, it is heaving, aren't the insects here lucky to have such delicious food to nibble on.
Thankfully after about 10 minutes both children forgot their city ways and were squealing with delight at the fruit they were finding and picking. Do you know they haven't got on so well in years.
We came home with cherries, blackberries, plums and courgettes. I think moving out of the city is going to have a far greater positive impact on these two than I first anticipated.
I'm excited for them.
We have been going back and forth to the seaside for months now, looking for the right primary school for middle B and perfect sixth form for Big G. We have now found them. The children are now excited and looking forward to moving out of London and starting their prospective schools.
Looking around a school only takes an hour or two - the rest of the day is ours to do with as we pleased. And pleased ourselves we did.
Looking around a school only takes an hour or two - the rest of the day is ours to do with as we pleased. And pleased ourselves we did.
Drying out my birkies after a big waves caught me unawares.
Inspecting his haul.
Middle B with sun baked starfish - he proceeded to hand these out to eldery people walking on the beach - so funny, they couldn't refuse his gift!
Big G has started a driftwood collection.
Comparing finds.
This one he kept.
Post abandoned.
Who remembers these?
Sharing is caring...
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