Ahem, er hi, howdy, nice to meet you.
How did you find me?!
This is my very first attempt at a blog. I do hope it is pleasing. I am an AVID blog reader and suffer from blog envy on a daily basis… Here is my busy, crafty, chaotic, sometimes down right stressful life…do delve and enjoy. X

One of my never finished projects….. Time to turn the situation around! This patchwork quilt was started about 10 years ago, but for one reason or another I never got around to finishing it. I think the shape was all wrong, it is very long..too long for a single bed.
So why did I dig it out I ask you hear? Well, my daughter (we’ll refer to her as BIG G) is going to be 16 next month and she has demanded, sorry requested (!) three cushion covers and a bed cover. No way I’ll get all that done in a month so I gingerly asked if she liked the one I started for her over 10 years ago….she agreed – with conditions. There are always conditions with teenagers!
1. Please could I get rid of the ugly purple corduroy bits? – I explained this was one of her fave dresses – alas, they must go....oh okay, anything else darling child?
2. The purple edging is also for the chop.
I’m now doubting myself and my abilities, I mean, I can sew, I’m not by any mean’s an expert, I mostly look at things and say to myself, I can do that and then work out how to make it. I’m not an instructions kinda girl….so over the next few posts I’ll be showing you how to ‘wing it’ Clairey style!
I hope to share with you all my makes (and mistakes) if I’m brave enough!
Claire x
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